September 19, 2024
Safe Ship Moving Services Underlines a Few Tips for Moving With Pets

Safe Ship Moving Services Underlines a Few Tips for Moving With Pets

People will have a long list of things to do when planning for a move. They need to get their packing checklist ready, hire companies like Safe Ship Moving Services, and more. However, amid all these activities, one should not forget to care for their furry friends. Pets tend to take comfort in routines, and moving to a new home can be a huge shake-up for them. Hence, certain steps have to be followed to make sure that they are comfortable and well taken care of throughout the moving process. 

Safe Ship Moving Services discusses a few tips for moving with pets

Having a well-laid plan for moving to a new home can help people to worry less when trying to pack and relocate their household. One must ensure that a move is a happier, easier transition for everyone, including pets.  

Many cats and dogs love playing with packing supplies, and can have a lot of fun with empty moving boxes. In order to get the pets used to having boxes around the house, it would be smart to start packing early. If one has enough room, they should start stocking up on boxes multiple weeks before the move. Less commonly used items can be placed in the box and left open. Pets might be curious about the boxes at first and sniff around, but soon will get bored of them and not give them a second glance. Conditioning the pets ahead of time goes a long way in lowering the odds of disruptions and box attacks as one gets closer to moving day and packing starts in earnest.

Cats and dogs are creatures of habit. The more their schedule changes, the more anxious are they likely to become. Preparing for a move is a very hectic time, and can be tempting to skip the everyday routines with pets to focus on packing the belongings, finding the right truck to rent and so on. However, it would be much smarter to hire companies like Safe Ship Moving Services to lower the burden associated with the move, and prioritize the well-being and happiness of the pets. To keep the stress levels of the pets down in the weeks leading up to the move, one has to feed them at the same times as usual, not skip their regular walks or playtime, and give them a little extra. Burning off the anxious energy is one of the best ways to keep the stress levels of the pets in check. Hence, one should take out time to entertain the pets while preparing for the move. 

Preparing for a move can quickly turn a once organized home into a mountain of clutter with boxes, piles of clothes, and half-taken apart furniture all around. While some amount of mess would be unavoidable, people should try their best to keep at least one space clear for their pets throughout the moving process. This space can be a small room, a corner or an open closet. Basically, the pets must have somewhere to retreat to when the chaos overwhelms them.

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