September 8, 2024
How Far Do You Know the Simple Present Tense and the Present Perfect Tense?

How Far Do You Know the Simple Present Tense and the Present Perfect Tense?

No matter how many words you know, if you do not know how to use them in sentences, they are literally useless. Every sentence has a structure, a tense and a voice. Even without any one of these, the sentence will sound absurd. Building your vocabulary is important; learning to write/speak sentences the way they should be is as important as the former. 

Understanding tense is often a task that most English language learners find difficult. Though it may seem so, if analysed carefully, it will turn out to be such an easy and effortless process. Let us go through two tense forms today and also check your understanding of the same. The simple present tense is the simplest and foremost tense form that you will get to learn. This is because the verb is mostly used in its original form except when used with third person pronouns and nouns. Try solving the following exercise. Go through the sentences and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate form of the verb given in brackets. Once you are done with it, check your answers as well.

Exercise 1

1. Danny _________ in Chennai. (live)

2. _________ me a cup of coffee. (bring)

3. She told me that she ________ working out at the gym. (enjoy)

4. Teena, Anu and Tessa _________ my friends. (to be)

5. Mahesh _________ by bus every morning. (travel)

6. My mobile phone _________ well. (work)

7. Where do you _________? (stay)

8. The teacher _________ the homework every week. (check)

9. I _________ 5 litres of water every day. (drink)

10. He _________ everyone well. (know)


1. Danny lives in Chennai. 

2. Bring me a cup of coffee.

3. She told me that she enjoys working out at the gym. 

4. Teena, Anu and Tessa are my friends. 

5. Mahesh travels by bus every morning. 

6. My mobile phone works well. 

7. Where do you stay?

8. The teacher checks the homework every week. 

9. I drink 5 litres of water every day.

10. He knows everyone well.

Among the various tense forms, the perfect tense forms seem to confuse new language learners a little. Do not fret; there is just one thing you will need to remember. For the past and future perfect tenses, there is nothing that will confuse you. It is the present perfect tense that you should take care of. This is because the present perfect tense takes two different verbs – ‘has’ and ‘have’. Just keep in mind that the verb ‘has’ is to be used only with third person pronouns and nouns; other than that, for all singular and plural nouns and pronouns, you can use ‘have’ followed by the past participle of the main verb.

Check out the following exercise, go through the sentences and fill in the blanks with the present perfect form of the verbs given in brackets.

Exercise 2

1. I ___________ Infanta for 27 years now. (know)

2. She ___________ the CD you had asked her for. (bring)

3. _________ you ________ to Australia? (be)

4. They ___________ their assignments. (complete)

5. ________ Tharun ________ the station yet? (reach)

6. The Principal ___________ me for an explanation. (ask)

7. ________ you __________ the office? (inform)

8. My father __________ for Spain. (leave)

9. How many words _________ you ________ today? (learn)

10. There ___________ a slight change in the schedule. (be)


1. I have known Infanta for 27 years now.

2. She has brought the CD you had asked her for.

3. Have you been to Australia?

4. They have completed their assignments.

5. Has Tharun reached the station yet?

6. The Principal has asked me for an explanation.

7. Have you informed the office?

8. My father has left for Spain.

9. How many words have you learnt today?

10. There has been a slight change in the schedule.

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