October 22, 2024

Reviving Your Lawn with Aeration

Regardless in how vigilant you care for your lawn; some problems are bound to occur. Even the best lush, green grass requires a bit of therapeutic attention every now and again, and Spring is one of the best times of the year to apply first aid. 

Maintaining an Inviting Green Space 

The secret to having a mass of green grass is aeration and seeding. Aeration penetrates the ground, allowing oxygen and rainwater to tunnel down the soil, into the roots. It’s also extremely beneficial for the exploitation of nutrients, both those already present in the soil and those supplied artificially. Many homeowners prefer replanting seeds to ensure a thick carpet of grass. A spring planting is the best time for germinating new grass seeds. The temperatures are optimal for germination, not to mention April and may showers provide the watering required for healthy roots. 

Germination can take up until 21 days, and within four to eight weeks, a new lawn should be established. Once the grass reaches about three inches tall, it can be examined for bare spots. Simply reapply seeds, water, and germination should occur within a few days to weeks. There are times when you may need quick remedies for blemished turf, like dog spots, or a patchy lawn. These are small, easy projects that should take very little time to maneuver. 

Taking Care of Spots

These are round patches of dead grass, usually about five or six inches in diameter. This occurs because dog urine contains high concentration of acids, salts and nitrogen. This combination burns the grass, all the way down to the roots, and kills the blades. The nitrogen can spread a bit, causing the surrounding grass to become affected. The remedy is to simply rake up that spot of yellow, dead grass. Aerate that circle, then allow water to saturate the area. Add about an inch of new soil, and then spread new grass seed, and keep the seed moist for the new few days. Recovery time is usually four weeks. 

Revitalizing Bare Patches

Finding bare patches in shaded spots or thatch is common. Thatch is a mat of dead blades and roots that settle in area, causing your surrounding lawn to suffer. This can be caused from several issues including mowing too low or it could be soil that has too much clay content, or it may be from over-fertilization. The solution is simple. Cut out the area of thatch, then start by aerating the area. This will help the soil absorb oxygen and water and encourage healthy growth. Rake in some topsoil, spread a few grass seeds down, and water. The aerated area will quickly allow nutrients to flow to the roots. 

Preparing for Next Year 

Often, older lawns haven’t been aerated or had new seeding for years, causing the grass to become thin. Also, soil can become compacted over time from foot traffic and lawn mowers causing a lackluster appearance. In this case, if the entire lawn looks bare, it makes sense to seek the services of a professional landscaper to reverse the damage and revive the grass by preparing the soil for next year. You’ll establish a fuller, thicker lawn that is much healthier.

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